Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 30

Wow, we have made it to the thirties! Week 30 is here and it's getting close to the final day.

We have an ultrasound today and AJ should be weighing around 3lbs.

We had some excitement this week. We made a trip to L and D on Monday night. We were not expecting this at all. I had a doctor’s appt. at 1:30pm on Monday and my doctor had 6 deliveries going on so we rescheduled the appointment.

I had some pretty bad cramping Sunday night, but I thought it was just dehydration. Well, I got back to work and the cramping isn’t stopping. It was like I had menstrual cramps in my upper/middle belly. AJ was moving great, so I wasn’t that worried. My girlfriends at work kept telling me to call the doctor. I felt silly calling b/c I was just in there and told the nurse I was doing great. Well, I called around 3:30pm and the nurse called me back and said go to the hospital to L and D and let’s get you on some monitors. I started crying and getting worried, but collected myself and met Matt there.

I thought I would be put in a little room and hooked up to watch the baby and be on our little way. Nope, they had me in a real L and D room- gown and all! Hooked AJ’s heart rate up and my uterus up to a machine. I was having real contractions every 3 to 4 minutes. I was so glad I called the doctor. He happened to be at the hospital delivering, so I had a chance to see him too. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and then did a swap test to see if the contractions were real labor or Braxton hicks. They also tested my urine for a bladder infections. Well, after about 2 hours of waiting, the test for real contractions came back negative. Which, was awesome news! I ended up having a bladder infection and was given antibiotics and sent home! I’m feeling better much better and looking forward to the ultrasound today. I told Matt while we were in the hospital that I would have a great posting this week on the blog!

I think the main thing that we learned from this experience is #1 Drink lots of water and #2 We could have this baby at any time in the third trimester!

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