Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 36

We only have 4 more weeks until our due date! AJ is doing really good. He is hiccuping at night and it is so cute.
Our doctor's visit today went really good and uneventful. AJ's heart rate was good and we saw his diaphragm moving. He is head down and moving really good.
Matt and I went to the Tulsa Scottish Games last weekend and had a great time. I'll be going to OKC this weekend for Missy's wedding reception. This will be my last visit to OKC before Austin is born.

I'm still swelling, but I've made it to the gym twice this week and that has helped. We met with our pediatrician and really like her.

I'll be back for more updates next Thursday!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 35

35 days until my due date! Holy cow time is flying by!!!

We just had a doctor's appt. today and AJ weighs 6.5 lbs.. His heart and breathing sound really good. AJ is fully developed and will just gain weight over the next 5 weeks. His weight is a rough estimate and my doctor thinks he'll be around 8 lbs!

Mama is doing well! My blood pressure is really good. Weight is right in range and I'm feeling good. My energy level is slowing down and my feet are so swollen. I just got approval to wear tennis shoes to work and I'll see if that helps with the swelling.

The nursery is all done! Matt and I worked so hard on everything and we love it! I'm so glad the room is complete and we can just enjoy the next month without stressing. Matt plans on installing the car seat very soon and I'll pack our bags in the next 2 weeks.

Next week Dr. Nilson will start his internal exams and this will let us know if I'm starting to dilate and progress. I haven't had any braxton hicks and no more cramps since my bladder infection, so I have no idea how things are going down there!

We have weekly check-ups now, so I'll post more next Thursday!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 33 and 34

The past 2 weeks have been great! I had my OKC baby shower and it was awesome. All of my close friends and lots of family were there. It was so nice to celebrate with everyone and to spend time with my Mom and Dad.
We had a doctor's appointment today and everything is progressing nicely. AJ is head down and most likely will not move positions. My blood pressure was really good and my weight gain is right where it should be. I'm having a lot of swelling in my feet and hands, so Dr. Nilson wants to start seeing me weekly.
I can't believe we have 6 weeks to go and I know it's going to fly by. AJ's nursery is coming together. I washed all of his clothes and bedding this past weekend. His crib is all ready! Matt moved our nice chair in the office to the nursery and it really completes the look of the nursery. I'll post pictures as soon as we're completely done.

My work friends are hosting me a shower this weekend. I'll post next week as soon as my doctor's appointment is over.