Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 9

This is our 9th week! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and our baby is looking great!

The baby's heart rate was 178 bpm again and that is really good. The baby has doubled in size and right on track. Our specialist has been fantastic! God sent us to him for a reason and I would recommend anyone to this doctor. I wish I could have him delivery our baby, but his work is done and it's time to move on to Dr. Nilson-who is fantastic as well!

Matt and I are completely at peace and know that the baby will be fine! We have started making plans for the baby's room. We are going to install blinds and will start cleaning things out in May/June! This is the best part!

Thank you for all your prayers!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 8

Howdy folks~

Our last doctor's appointment was on Friday the 13th! I went into this appointment feeling very at peace and knowing that God was in control and our baby was going to be doing great!

Well, the baby is looking great! The heartbeat was 178, which is a very strong heart beat and Dr. Prough said the baby was developing really good. We could see an arm, leg and head in the ultrasound pictures! Amazing! I still have a bladder infection, so more antibiotics and I'll be fine. The stomach cramping has calmed down and I'm very happy about that!

I also went to a baby shower on Saturday and had a wonderful time! I have only been to one other baby shower in 3 years and it was so wonderful to be there and support my friend. I can't wait to experience more!

I've been having some more nausea at random times. I got very nauseated at church on Sunday and had to skip the gym!

Our next appointment is on March 23rd! Love to all!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 7

Week 7 began with a bang!!! The night after our first ultrasound I started having mild cramping in my upper/middle stomach. I wasn't too worried about it and was able to sleep just fine. On Wednesday I was cramping all day. After talking to Matt, I decided to call the doctor. The nurse said it was probably heart burn and to call on Thursday if it doesn't go away.

Well, Thursday morning came and I was still hurting. I called the doctor and they scheduled me to come in that morning. Matt and I went together. I wasn't too worried until we got to the doctor's office and I started to get scared-why is this happening, is the baby okay? Dr. Prough did an exam and after touching my bladder and it hurting, he said I had a bladder infection. I did a pee test to confirm the problem and was prescribed an antibiotic and told to drink lots of water/cranberry juice. Bladder infections are very common in pregnant woman.
Problem solved!

He checked out the baby and wow he/she has grown so much in just 3 days! From a grain of rice to a kidney bean! The heart rate went up to 119, which is very good news. The baby was measuring right on track and I was 7 weeks on March 5th.

Our next visit is Friday, March 13th. I believe Friday the 13th's are lucky days, as I'm a June 13th baby! Well, until next time, please keep praying for us! Thank you for everything!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 6

Today was our first ultrasound! The experience began with our appointment not being scheduled and the office having to squeeze us in. Thank goodness!

We waited about 45 minutes and finally got to see Dr. Prough. During the ultrasound, Matt and the doctor were talking about horses and the weather. The entire time I was anxiously awaiting to hear the heartbeat. We saw the baby immediately! A little grain of rice! As soon as the doctor was done, I sat up and asked if everything was okay? Dr. Prough was like, "yes, didn't you see the heart beat?" Oh, finally relief! Thank you Jesus!

The heart beat was 115 and we're 6w4d. We'll see Dr. Prough again next Thursday!