Yesterday was the big due date and no baby yet...AJ is the size of a pumpkin!
The nursery is ready, the house is spot-less, Matt and I have had lots of rest and nice dinners and AJ is just happy where he is! We are very excited to meet our son, but trying to be patient. God has his Birthday in his calendar and he'll come when he is ready.
On Tuesday evening I was having consistant contractions but they weren't too strong. We got all ready for the hospital but the doctor on call told me to rest for awhile and see if they got worse. I was able to fall asleep and slept through the night. The next morning I was timing the contractions and they were every 5 minutes and painful. My doctor advised me to go to the hospital to get monitored. Matt and I took care of Rudy and we were off! After getting hooked up on the monitors and being examined I was dilated to a 2+ and 70% effaced. My contractions were coming every 4 or 5 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds. They felt like heavy cramps.
We thought they would either send us home or induce labor since I was due the next day. I wasn't making any progress, so after 4 hours they decided to send me home! I started feeling better that evening and went back to work the next day.
On October 22nd, my official due date, we saw Dr. Nilson and still no progress. Still a 2+ and AJ is very high in my pelvis. Dr. Nilson told us if he induces me I have a 70% chance of having a c-section and told Matt and I to decide if we wanted to wait another week for AJ to drop or schedule the c-section. Matt and I looked at each other and we both said, "let's get the c-section scheduled!"
The surgery and AJ's birthday is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28th! I have an appointment on Monday to see if I have made any progress and if something dramatic has changed then we could possibly induce labor. Otherwise, Wednesday is the day!~
We have a very busy weekend planned! Octoberfest is today and it's Matt and I's 10th year in a row to attend. It's a chilly day in Tulsa, but will be so much fun. Tomorrow, Ohio State football is on TV and then that evening we are having a nice dinner and going to a Halloween party.
I plan to pack the hospital bag in the car in case my water breaks this weekend or I go into labor on my own. I'll be working on Monday and that will be my last day.
I will try and update the blog if anything changes. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and I will post pictures of AJ as soon as I can.
God Bless~
Matt and Anne